As the title says I'm unable to activate screen sharing over the settings menu. The button it there but I am unable to toggle it, it just does not respond. A had screen sharing running and working on the same machine about three weeks ago without any issues.

Do you have any ideas how I can make it activate-able again? (If you need any additional information, I will be happy to provide them.)

I'm on GNOME 3.36.0 using X11 and I've installed vnc via pacman -S vino from extra/vino.

1 Answer 1


I've discovered a solution on the Manjaro forum. Since Upstream considers vino deprecated in of favour of gnome-remote-desktop, I had to install gnome-remote-desktopinstead.

To enable gnome-remote-desktop I did the following:

Uninstall vino
Verify that gnome-remote-desktop is installed
Modify /etc/gdm/custom.conf and put WaylandEnable=true in the [daemon] section
Enable screen sharing again.

Source: https://forum.manjaro.org/t/gnome-screen-sharing-breaks-in-3-36/131586/11

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