I was initially trying to create a program to distinguish between DOS(16-bit) and Windows(32/64-bit) executables.

I read in some other answer that a executable can be classified based on their first two bytes. (MZ/...)

But when I manually went and compared a few executables (both 16 and (32/64 bit)), I found that they all started with MZ..

Is there any reason for it or am I doing something wrong?

The 16-bit executables were written by me in assembly->compiled using TASM and the 32/64 bit executables were from the system files of my computer C:\Windows\System32

Is there any other more accurate way to distinguish an executable?

  • MZ is a common start byte for any executable I have opened with a HEX Editor. I don't think you can determine from the first bytes whether 32-bit or 64-bit
    – anon
    Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 17:12
  • delphidabbler.com/articles?article=8&part=1 might help you. Commented Mar 15, 2020 at 17:15

1 Answer 1


I found that they all started with MZ

MZ is indeed the characteristic signature of a .exe file:

The DOS MZ executable format is the executable file format used for .EXE files in DOS.

The file can be identified by the ASCII string "MZ" (hexadecimal: 4D 5A) at the beginning of the file (the "magic number"). "MZ" are the initials of Mark Zbikowski, one of leading developers of MS-DOS.

Source DOS MZ executable - Wikipedia

This signature was later extended to its descendants (including NE and PE):

The New Executable (abbreviated NE or NewEXE) is a 16-bit .exe file format, a successor to the DOS MZ executable format. It was used in Windows 1.0–3.x, multitasking MS-DOS 4.0,[1] OS/2 1.x, and the OS/2 subset of Windows NT up to version 5.0 (Windows 2000). A NE is also called a segmented executable

Source New Executable - Wikipedia

The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows operating systems. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code. This includes dynamic library references for linking, API export and import tables, resource management data and thread-local storage (TLS) data. On NT operating systems, the PE format is used for EXE, DLL, SYS (device driver), and other file types. The Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) specification states that PE is the standard executable format in EFI environments.

On Windows NT operating systems, PE currently supports the IA-32, IA-64, x86, x86-64 (AMD64/Intel 64), ARM and ARM64 instruction set architectures (ISAs). Prior to Windows 2000, Windows NT (and thus PE) supported the MIPS, Alpha, and PowerPC ISAs. Because PE is used on Windows CE, it continues to support several variants of the MIPS, ARM (including Thumb), and SuperH ISAs.

Source Portable Executable - Wikipedia

So MZ is used for 16, 32 and 64 bit .exe signatures and cannot be used to distinguish between 16 and 32/64 bit programs.

So How do I distinguish between 16 and 32/64 bit programs?

Windows has extended the old DOS executable format multiple times, so if you look at a 'modern' Windows executable, right near the beginning there will be a MZ (or possibly ZM if the executable is for a system that uses the opposite bit order). This designates the header for the second DOS executable format, known simply as the MZ format.

Beyond that, you'll see some apparent gibberish, followed by something along the lines of 'This program can't be run in DOS mode.'. That gibberish is actually a really simple DOS program that prints out a message to tell the user that that program can't be run in DOS.

After that, you have the header for the actual executable, which may start with one of four pairs of letters, NE, LX, LE, or PE. If you don't see one of these and the above mentioned message, it's a 16-bit DOS application.

Source How to check if a binary is 16 bit on Windows, answer by Austin Hemmelgarn

You can also use the Unix file command (which is available in Cygwin and :


C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin>file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE"
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE; PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit

I believe when it is a 16bit executable it says something to the sorts of MS-DOS or Win 3.X executable.

Source Solved: Tip or tool to distingush 16/32/64 bit .exe files? | Tech Support Guy

The above link also includes source code (looks like C) which you can play with.


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