On macOS Catalina, I've installed en_GB Firefox, my language preferences are 'Choose languages for menus messages etc' is "English (United Kingdom)", in "language for displayed pages" I've remove en_US, put en-gb as 1st priority and en as second and last language, and yet any HTML5 date field (for example) are not displayed in the "european" DD/MM/YYYY as they are in chromium based browsers I got (Brave for example)

Is there a way to fix that?

  • It seems to have fixed itself, unfortunately I don't know what setting I've changed (it would've been in MacOS since FF prefs changed didn't have an effect). But if I find out I shall answer. It might have read in 'Language & Region' system preferences
    – Recct
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 11:44


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