Pandora desktop runs on Adobe Air.

Everytime I click a UI button (not browser link) for example 'Station' or 'Play' firefox opens Pandora in the browser.

Is this a Pandora Issue, Windows Setting Issue, or is anyone else seeing this?

  • This happens to me at work all the time and drives me nuts
    – TJ L
    Commented Oct 8, 2009 at 1:00
  • Me too I'm going crazy
    – Charlls
    Commented Jan 11, 2010 at 20:38

2 Answers 2


Is this the Pandora One desktop client or the Beta Pandora Desktop client? I know that the beta client has this issue. According to this blog post the beta client is no longer supported and this is one of the side effects. You will have to upgrade to a Pandora One account to get a desktop client that behaves properly.


Granted I am not using Windows 7 (Still on XP here at work), but I have never experienced this issue before. I've had Pandora desktop for a few days now and I have never had any weird bugs as of yet.

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