I was going to follow the guide here on arch wiki to convert a single disk to a raid disk using mdadm. The disk in question is a proxmox system disk.

My plan was as follows:

  • Create the raid disk in a degraded state using mdadm and only the new disk.
  • Boot into live image from USB
  • Use dd to clone /dev/sda to /dev/md0
  • Wipe /dev/sda and add it as the other raid1 member of /dev/md0.
  • Edit /etc/default/grub on /dev/md0 if necessary.
  • Boot into system again from /dev/md0.

Would that work as expected? Can I use dd on the disk or should I create the partitions of the exact same size then use dd for each partition instead?

  • If you're using a guide, why are you asking? Basically, it sounds like you've done your homework and the next step is to proceed with the process. But, make a backup first. Backed up data is data that is not lost. Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 2:44
  • @music2myear This is more a sanity check than anything. Maybe someone sees this and points out an error I made. I will be performing complete backups before proceeding, in the case I need to reinstall from scratch.
    – cclloyd
    Commented Dec 30, 2019 at 2:50


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