I know SDDM (or others) can be set to run at boot, but is it possible to create a second GRUB entry that would boot to the normal TTY login? I know it's possible to create an entry for single-user rescue mode, but I still need one for normal multi-user.

1 Answer 1


You could configure a different runlevel if you want to add a grub entry, or you could just modify the normal runlevel by configuring init.d or upstart.

  • How do I do that?
    – Kurtoid
    Commented Jan 10, 2020 at 17:11
  • What exactly is your operating system, distribution and version?
    – user141238
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 18:56
  • Arch, most recent. KDE, GRUB
    – Kurtoid
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 23:52

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