I want to use the AWS PHP SDK on Amazon Linux 2. I thought this should be easy.

I've enabled the epel repo which has php-aws-sdk version 2.8.31. But the developer guide recommends version 3. SDK version 3 depends on PHP 5.5 but this distro comes with 5.4.

I don't see php 5.5 in the default repos.
amazon-linux-extras provides php 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3.
Why is it so hard to get 5.5 which is required for this SDK?

  • 1
    "To use the AWS SDK for PHP, you must be using PHP version 5.5.0 or later" – is 7.x not possible?
    – slhck
    Commented Nov 15, 2019 at 11:19
  • Doh! I didn't notice that part. Yes my app is compatible with 7.1 so that should be easy.
    – Elliott B
    Commented Nov 16, 2019 at 5:21

1 Answer 1


You don't have to install PHP 5.5, as php-aws-sdk is compatible with PHP 5.5 and above, so the version of PHP 7 in the repositories (amazon-linux-extras) will work.

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