I want to get source of `thinkfinger' package,

sudo apt-get source thinkfinger

But, it reports 403 error, and I found that it get the source from xxxx/pool/universe/t/thinkfinger/, but the correct location is in xxxx/pool/main/t/thinkfinger/.

So, is there any option for apt-get to specify which repository should it use?

2 Answers 2


This should not happen at all just by design of APT, and so there is no method of specifying repository (there are methods of specifying release, but that is not the case).

Probably your local package cache got corrupted somehow, or just is out of date. Try doing sudo aptitude update.

  • Thanks. I have the repository mirrored to my portable disk, the problem is about symlink. In universe/ repository, the fingerprint-x.x-orig.tar.gz is linked to main/, and it is Apache forbid to serve the symlink.
    – Lenik
    Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 7:17
  • You should have noted that in your question, because it is impossible to guess that and, as a consequence, impossible to answer correctly.
    – Catherine
    Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 14:55

In the origial Ubuntu repository thinkfinger isn't in main but in universe.

If you access the disc locally use file:// URLs instead of http:// URLs in /etc/apt/sources.list. If you need to access it via http enable symlink following for your repository directories.

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