Machine A could not make a https connection to Machine B. I first used telnet to confirm a tcp connection could be made: telnet MachineB 443

This worked. So, I concluded that the network between them was set up fine. It turned out, that I was wrong, and actually Machine A had a route to Machine B, but Machine B did not have a Route back to Machine A.

Why did telnet succeed from A to B if there was no route for B to get back to A?

  • Are the two machines in different subnets? Do you have a packet capture from machine B's point of view, or at least do you know (e.g. from webserver logs) what source IP address was seen by machine B? Commented Oct 31, 2019 at 21:21
  • Yes, they are in different subnets. I don't have a packet capture, but I could recreate it with one. Machine B is supposed to see Machine A's internal IP address as the source. The setup of this is in AWS. Machine A is in subnet A in VPC A. Machine B is in subnet B in VPC B. Machine A's subnet has a route table entry that can send traffic to Machine B. Machine B's subnet did not have a route table entry to send traffic to Machine A. Machine B has a security group that allows Inbound traffic form Machine A's IP. So, that's why seemingly it sees that source IP. Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 14:27
  • Ah, I don't know much about routing in AWS VPCs – I was assuming this is a physical network. Does either the machine B itself or its subnet gateway have any routes matching A's address? Could it be that the packets just got delivered indirectly, through a default AWS gateway? Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 14:39
  • No, it had zero routes matching A's address. If no route is matched, the packets would be sent to a NAT Gateway in a public subnet. And the NAT gateway only has a route table entry to go over the internet-- so it would not be able to get back to Machine A in internal subnet A. The AWS video game abstracts away a lot of the networking legos. On a physical network do you have any hypotheses as to how the above described behavior could happen? Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 14:58
  • 1
    When things work weirdly, "I think that it must be" isn't good enough – run netstat -n -t while connected (or even fire up tcpdump) to find out for sure. Commented Nov 1, 2019 at 23:07


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