I was wondering if I could use homebrew to get inkscape's beta. I know I can use it to get their current version with brew cask install inkscape but is there any way to get their beta?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


You can run brew cask edit inkscape to edit the formula that installs Inkscape.

For example, the latest version is found under:


So, replace the contents of the file with:

cask 'inkscape' do
  version :latest
  sha256 :no_check

  url "http://alpha.inkscape.org/prereleases/Inkscape-latest.dmg"
  name 'Inkscape'
  homepage 'https://inkscape.org/'

  depends_on x11: true

  app 'Inkscape.app'
  binary "#{appdir}/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape"

  zap trash: '~/.inkscape-etc'

Save it and run brew cask install inkscape.

The specific change needed for "latest" versions is the :latest keyword. Also, you are skipping checksum verification with :no_check. Hence, be careful about what you are downloading.

  • Note that this is untested as I don't have a Mac to test with now. Please verify and let me know.
    – slhck
    Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 16:49
  • This answer saved my day! Commented Nov 14, 2019 at 11:39

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