I am new to using GCR. My use case is that I want to grant push only access to a specific bucket of my project on the Google Container Registry (gcr).

I figured that I'll have to create a service account if I want to grant this access to multiple users and also create a specific role for the same.

I did manage to create a service account, let's say test-service-account, and also created a role for the same, let's sat test-role.

I provided the following permissions to the role:

  • storage.bucket.create
  • storage.bucket.get

I also applied this role to the test-service-account. But still when I log in to docker registry locally, using

cat keyfile.json | docker login -u _json_key --password-stdin https://gcr.io

and try to push the image, I get denied: Access denied.

What am I missing?

Also, the current method will give the test-service-account access to all the buckets. Is there a way to provide access to a singular bucket?


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