I installed Drill according to Drill Documentation. I have java installed. These are the steps I followed

  1. wget http://apache.mirrors.hoobly.com/drill/drill-1.16.0/apache-drill-1.16.0-src.tar.gz
  2. Then I extracted the folder by tar -xvzf <.tar.gz file name>
  3. Then I go into the apache installation folder by cd cd apache-drill-1.16.0
  4. Then the documentation asks to run this command bin/drill-embedded

The problem is that there is no bin folder inside the Apache Drill folder. Mentioned below are all the files found inside the Apache Drill installation Folder.

DEPENDENCIES, LICENSE, README.md, contrib, docs, drill-yarn, git.properties, logical, protocol, src, KEYS,NOTICE, common, distribution, drill-shaded, exec, header, pom.xml, sample-data, tools

How is it possible to run Apache Drill with the lack of a bin file?

1 Answer 1


The problem was that the Drill Documentation links us to download a src file.

Downloading from http://apache.mirrors.hoobly.com/drill/drill-1.16.0/apache-drill-1.16.0.tar.gz solved the issue. It had a bin folder. And I was able to run Apache Drill successfully.

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