How can I diagnose the causes of this inactive state ?

# systemctl --type=target --no-pager
UNIT                   LOAD   ACTIVE   SUB    JOB   DESCRIPTION
basic.target           loaded active   active       Basic System
cryptsetup.target      loaded active   active       Local Encrypted Volumes
getty.target           loaded active   active       Login Prompts
local-fs-pre.target    loaded active   active       Local File Systems (Pre)
local-fs.target        loaded active   active       Local File Systems
multi-user.target      loaded inactive dead   start Multi-User System
network-online.target  loaded active   active       Network is Online
network.target         loaded active   active       Network
nss-user-lookup.target loaded active   active       User and Group Name Lookups

1 Answer 1


It hasn't failed yet – the "JOB" column indicates that there is still a 'start' job pending. Check what other units are waiting for startup:

systemctl list-jobs
  • 1
    fixed in the meantime via a 'systemctl list-dependencies multi-user.target' and searching for red application-services : an applicative daemon failed at boot time, with target requiredBy in its service could have your command help ? here the failed job is not pending
    – Minstrel
    Commented Sep 23, 2019 at 12:50

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