As a log viewer, which of vim's features are convenient?

less -F is quite good. But I believe vim could be better if we knew its hidden features.

* or #

PS. I don't use vim as a code writing tool.

  • It is well known that, we developers, never analyse million lines of log, that we never need a rich tool for that purpose in our development process. I guess that the reason why this post was migrated from SO... Commented May 31, 2010 at 9:00

5 Answers 5


This probably goes without saying but if you're using log files that are overwritten regularly, then you'll want to:

:set autoread

so vim will keep the latest log up on screen at all times.

  • 2
    Yes, I know the option. But the option never works at my machine(Both Windows and linux). Do you know why?
    – Benjamin
    Commented May 31, 2010 at 2:46
  • 1
    I run it through gvim under WinXP & it picks up the file changes when the window receives focus (e.g. when alt-tabbing back). I'm not sure how it works on the CLI but there's a bit more info in this thread: stackoverflow.com/questions/2490227/how-does-vims-autoread-work Commented May 31, 2010 at 5:03

What makes it convenient? You've got all the power of vim, of course ... I could recommend the LargeFile plugin, though, such that vim doesn't slow down for large log files.

I use vim to search through large log files, using regexps, and sometimes for specific keywords with *, or sometimes create a copy by selecting only specific lines (e.g. :v//delete), and using block select to get some specific columns in the log output (since log lines mostly follow a specific format). Easiest way to create a quick table, IMHO.


IMO the only thing more you're going to get out of using vim as a pager is syntax highlighting if there is a syntax file for the particular log/file you're viewing. You can try out this sh script which does exactly that:


Although it lacks some of less's built in and useful features such as -F, it's not surprising considering vim was designed to be a text editor not a pager.

  • I've applied at my machine. But why doesn't vimpager read automatically a dynamic file?
    – Benjamin
    Commented May 31, 2010 at 2:53

For long lines (not only in log files) scrolling horizontally is convenient. From my ~/.vimrc :

" scroll horizontally     {{{2
nnoremap <M-Left>  zH
nnoremap <M-Right> zL
inoremap <M-Left>  <Esc>zHi
inoremap <M-Right> <Esc>zLa

You could try the LogViewer plugin for viewing multiple parallel log files. While you can use tmux and tail to have a terminal display multiple log files, you won't have your cursor synchronized between the different panes.

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