My Google Kubernetes is down and the only message I see on the dashboard is "The cluster has a problem."

When I execute

gcloud container clusters describe [cluster-name]

The second to last line shows "status: ERROR""

The cluster node pool is up and running.

Any idea how I can recover this cluster?


2 Answers 2


Found the issue, the billing account was suspended "for failure to pay past due amounts or invalid payment information". The linked credit card was still valid and after refreshing the payment method the cluster become active again.

  1. Check if all nodes are all registered correctly kubectl get nodes
  2. Verify in the ready section that all of the nodes you expect to see are present.
  3. Looking at logs:
    Check the relevant log files
    Note that in system-based you need to use journalct1 instead
  • "kubectl get nodes" shows that the nodes are in "NotReady" status. Commented Aug 10, 2019 at 10:40

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