I have a docker install that is running portainer and nginx as a proxy so subdomain.XXXXX.xyz redirects on port 80 to the port the Container is running in. this part is working correctly but I am having the worst time trying to get a vpn setup to protect some services that I dont want directly exposed to the internet

Target docker network layout https://i.sstatic.net/NLURK.jpg

in an ideal world I woul de able to create a vpn container assign ENV values to it and then attach it to the internet (red) and a private network (Light green) and have the srv4 and 5 only accessable when your connected to the vpn with a vaild client without breaking the nginx proxy thats on the same box and shares the ip.

Any help would be greatly welcomed

  • 1
    What IP address do you get assigned when your VPN client connects and what is the IP address and port you are trying to reach?
    – some user
    Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 18:01
  • the private network would be Subnet: for example srv4 would be hard set to and srv4 is port 3000 have not got a VPN server going thats inside the docker only yet
    – IcePops
    Commented Aug 9, 2019 at 18:09


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