I have two Excel files, the first file contains about 5500 cells, the second file is empty and I want to transfer the contents of each sheet in the first file to the cells of the second file.

Clearly, I want to transfer the contents of the cells in the first sheet (J2: O2) to glcm11 in the second file , and the contents of cells in the first sheet (J11:O11) to glcm12, and the contents of cells in the first sheet (J20:O20) to glcm13,and the contents of cells in the first sheet (J29:O29) to glcm14.

Then , I want to transfer the contents of the cells in the second sheet (J2: O2) to glcm21 in the second file, and the contents of cells in the second sheet (J11:O11) to glcm22 , and so on . How can I do this automatically without the manual method because the number of sheets in the file is too large . Please help me.

the first sheet of the first file

the second sheet of the first file the second file

1 Answer 1


Solution 1: Formula

This method is unorthodox but I had fun writing it.... If I was doing this for myself then I probably would have turned to VBA or Power Query.

Before we start, you need to make sure both files are open and that they can be referenced. Test this by clicking in an empty cell of the second workbook (destination) and typing = then click in any cell of the first workbook (source) and press Enter. Now look in the formula bar where you typed =, you should see something like ='[Book1]Sheet1'!$A$1 If you do not see anything after the = then try resizing the two workbooks so they are both displayed on the screen and try again. If you still only see the = then try closing the source workbook and opening it from inside the destination workbook's File Menu and try again. If that still doesn't work then neither solution can help you because they need the workbooks need to recognize each other.

You also need to make sure the worksheets in the source file are match the sample data you provided, meaning they are named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. If they are not named this way then you need to stand facing the corner for an hour so you can consider what else may have been misrepresented in the example you provided.

We're almost ready to start, so go ahead and maximize the destination file window because we're going to do all our work in there; but do not close the source, it needs to remain open.

We begin by typing the name of the source workbook in cell I1 of the destination. Do not use any special characters. If the test you did looks like ='[Book1]Sheet1'!$A$1 then you only type Book1 into cell I1. Remember, this is all inside the destination sheet.

Now copy each of the following three formulas and paste them in the destination sheet.

Copy ="'["&$I$1&"]Sheet0'!" and paste into H1

Copy =IF(MOD(ROW()-ROW($D$2),4)=0,LEFT($H$1,FIND("0",$H$1)-1)&VALUE(MID(H1,FIND("0",$H$1),FIND("!",H1)-1-FIND("0",$H$1)))+1&"'!J2",LEFT(H1,FIND("J",H1))&VALUE(MID(H1,FIND("J",H1)+1,LEN(H1)))+9) and paste into H2

Copy =OFFSET(INDIRECT($H2),0,COLUMN()-COLUMN($B$2),1,1) and paste into B2

If you did everything right, cell B2 will have data from cell J2 in your source sheet and you can use B2 to populate the range B2:G2. Do this by dragging or copying and pasting, either works.

At this point, Row 2 should be populated from B:H and you should see data from the source file in B:G and you can copy B2:H2 down the sheet as far as you need to go.

When you are satisfied with the results, you can copy your data range and paste over it using Paste Special Values. This will keep the data but break the links to the source file so you can safely remove Column H.

Solution 2: VBA

I made this more complicated than it really needs to be but it is still easy to follow and use.

  1. Begin by closing all of your workbooks and completely closing out of Excel.
  2. Now create a new workbook then save it with a recognizable name.
  3. Open the VBA editor from inside this workbook by pressing Alt F11.
  4. Activate the project explorer from inside the VBA editor by pressing Ctrl R. It is probably on the left side of your screen.
  5. Locate your workbook's VBAProject in the project explorer.
  6. Right click on your workbook's VBAProject in the project explorer.
  7. Expand the Insert menu and select Module
  8. Find Module1 under your workbook's project in the Modules folder.
  9. Double left click Module1
  10. Left click inside the large white area in the center of the VBA editor and confirm the window title ends with [Module1(Code)]
  11. Copy the code below and paste it inside the editor.
  12. Close the VBA editor and go back to Excel.
  13. I recommend saving the workbook as a macro enabled workbook before continuing.
  14. Left click the View tab on the Excel ribbon.
  15. Left click the Macro icon -or- left click the Macro drop down menu and select View Macros NOTE: your security settings determine what happens next.
  16. If your security settings allow macros then select CopyDataFromWorkbook and left click Run

If your security settings prevent you from running any macros, you can try change them yourself by opening the File menu in Excel, selecting Options, Trust Center, clicking the Trust Center Settings button, selecting Macro Settings in the left panel and setting the appropriate level. As a rule, I do not recommend enabling all macros and my personal preference is to only run signed macros but getting you setup for that is beyond the scope of this post.

We just installed the macro in a workbook that is unrelated to your source and destination files to protect your data from any possible error. I made it flexible enough so that you can install it directly in the source or the destination if you choose.

What to expect when running the macro

The macro asks if the source sheet is open.

If you select yes, it lists every workbook that it can see and asks you to select the source. Not Listed option was included because it is possible for the source to be open but not visible if it is in a different Excel instance (same problem with the formula above)

If you select no, a window opens and allows you to select the source workbook.

The macro then asks if the destination sheet is open and you follow the same steps. If you selected the source from a list of open workbooks then that workbook will not be listed for you to select as the destination.

From there it loops through every sheet in the source writing to the destination one row at a time. I can speed it up a bit if you find it works too slow but I think your data set is small enough that you will not really notice.

Copty this code and paste it into Module1 of your VBA project

Option Explicit

Sub CopyDataFromWorkbook()
    Dim srcWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim dstWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim srcWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim dstWorksheet As Worksheet
    Dim srcActiveRow As Long
    Dim dstActiveRow As Long
    Dim arydata()
    Set srcWorkbook = GetAppropriateWorkbook("source file")
    If Not srcWorkbook Is Nothing Then Set dstWorkbook = GetAppropriateWorkbook("destination file", srcWorkbook)
    If Not dstWorkbook Is Nothing Then
         dstActiveRow = 2
        Set dstWorksheet = dstWorkbook.Sheets(1)
        For Each srcWorksheet In srcWorkbook.Worksheets
            For srcActiveRow = 2 To 29 Step 9
                arydata = srcWorksheet.Range("J" & srcActiveRow, "O" & srcActiveRow)
                dstWorksheet.Range("B" & dstActiveRow, "G" & dstActiveRow) = arydata
                dstActiveRow = dstActiveRow + 1
            Next srcActiveRow
        Next srcWorksheet
        ActiveWindow.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Function GetAppropriateWorkbook(ByVal strRole As String, Optional SelectedWorkbook As Workbook) As Workbook
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim rng As Range
    If MsgBox("Is the " & strRole & " open?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "FINDING " & UCase(strRole)) = vbYes Then
        Set ws = ListOpenWorkbooks(SelectedWorkbook)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng = Application.InputBox("Select the " & strRole & " and click 'OK'", Title:="ACTIVATE " & UCase(strRole), Type:=8)
        Set wb = Application.Workbooks(rng.Value)
        On Error GoTo 0
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        If wb Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Could not detect the " & strRole & ".  Trying a different way."
        End If
    End If
    If wb Is Nothing Then
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
            .Title = "Find and open the " & strRole
            .Filters.Add UCase(Space(2) & strRole & Space(40)), "*.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlsm", 1
            .AllowMultiSelect = False
            If .SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then
                Application.ScreenUpdating = False
                Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Mid(.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), "\") + 1, Len(.SelectedItems(1))))
                Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            End If
        End With
    End If
    If wb Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Cannot continue without a " & strRole, vbCritical, "No " & strRole & " selected"
        Set GetAppropriateWorkbook = wb
    End If
End Function

Private Function ListOpenWorkbooks(Optional SelectedWorkbook As Workbook) As Worksheet
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim s As String
    Dim i As Long
    If Not SelectedWorkbook Is Nothing Then s = SelectedWorkbook.Name
    i = 1
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    For Each wb In Application.Workbooks
        If s <> wb.Name Then
                ws.Cells(i, 1) = wb.Name
                i = i + 1
        End If
    ws.Cells(i, 1) = "Not listed"
    Set ListOpenWorkbooks = ws
End Function
  • I tried to apply the above steps but I did not get the correct result, can you contact me and get access to my computer via teamviewer Commented Aug 21, 2019 at 7:55
  • 1
    No thank you, I will continue to help you here; but it would be good if you at least tried to explain why the result is not correct. Imagine if you wrote an Excel formula down on a piece of paper and mailed it to a colleague. And a few days later you get response with "did not get the correct result", how do you help your colleague? I tested the solution on two computers: Win10 32bit Office 2013 Standard and Win10 64bit Office 365 ProPlus, it works and I cannot help you with the formula if you do not describe how your result differs from the expectation. Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 5:27
  • How to apply this code , can you help me ? Commented Aug 22, 2019 at 10:06
  • What did you not understand about "Copy and paste into a module and run CopyDataFromWorkbook"? I cannot help you if you do not explain what it is you do not understand. I rewrote everything into small steps, maybe that will help, but I cannot learn how to follow them for you. Learning is something you have to do yourself. Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 5:04
  • I have applied the above code , but i did not get the required data format in Excel file Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 6:41

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