There's a very similar question on Using Windows Firewall to block a specific IP on Windows 10 but I'm unable to block just a specific IP address.

I'm curious if there's ever a difference between the IP address returned via a ping and the one that I need to enter when setting the scope of the windows firewall rules.

Here's the rule setup:

Type: Outbound Rules
Action: Block the connection
Programs: All
Protocols: Any
Advanced > Profiles: Domain, Private & Public
Scope > Local: Any IP Address
Scope > Remote: Any IP Address

The above rule blocks pretty much all outbound traffic to any IP address

And when I run a ping against the machine I want to block, I get the correct results:

enter image description here

However, I don't want to block all IP addresses, I only want to block that specific one. So if I update the rule and just change the scope from Any to These IP addresses, then the traffic is somehow allowed through:

enter image description here

For any diagnostic reasons, here's the ipconfig from server I want to block:

enter image description here

This thread on Why can I not managing to block an IP address in windows 7 firewall? seems to suggest changing the value for "Local IP address" to just block "Any IP", but that seems over scoped.

How can I figure out what specific local ip addresses to block? Or alternatively, why does blocking all local IP address allow remote addresses to be blocked?

  • what ports and protocols did you select on that tab?
    – Moab
    Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 23:52

1 Answer 1


The Local IP represents a specific IP address on your specific device (the computer you are creating the firewall rule on), not the IP address of the remote device. It's possible to assign many local IP addresses in case you need to provide various service on an IP-mapping function. In any case, if you're trying to block all access to the remote IP from your computer then you need to use any for the Local IP setting.

  • ohhhh, so it's like from these addresses (local) and to these addresses (remote). Not simply "Block B", but "Block traffic between A and B", where A can be a single IP on your machine or just all IPs that are currently mapped to it. Thank you!
    – KyleMit
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 0:49
  • 1
    @KyleMit Exactly
    – shawn
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 3:02

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