I would like to install CAD software again on my laptop. I used to use Rhinoceros 3d and AutoCAD for most stuff, but that was on the Windows side of things.

What can I do for the Solaris side?


  • Not to rain on your idea, but for CAD (however much people try to prove opposite) windows platform is an industry standard.
    – Rook
    Commented Jun 2, 2010 at 17:15

2 Answers 2


Have you tried BRLCad? It is listed for Solaris, not sure about OpenSolaris.

EDIT: This thread seems to indicate there is support available for unlisted platforms.

  • It is primitive, but I guess I can't be both a beggar and chooser.
    – Walter White
    Commented May 28, 2010 at 22:37

I guess I will end up installing winders through virtualbox. All of these open source CAD software packages are too primitive and wouldn't allow me to do any detailed engineering with them. I am just doing a hobby type of project, but it still has tolerances for parts to function.

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