This is probably a long shot...

I have an HTC Desire and frustratingly found out after I got it that it doesn't support network proxy settings.

We have a wireless network at my office that uses a proxy.

My desktop at work runs ubuntu.

I was wondering if the following set up would work:

  1. Plug a USB Wireless adapter into the desktop that has a working internet connection using the proxy.
  2. Setup the wireless adapter as an ad-hoc network
  3. Share the internet connection over the ad-hoc network.
  4. Make it so that the use of the proxy is invisible to users of the shared network connection.
  5. Connect the Android phone to the ad-hoc wireless network and utilise the internet connection.

My question is this: Is this possible or should I give up now and not even try?

I think I can handle steps 1, 2, 3 and 5. I just have no idea if step 4 even makes sense, let alone is possible.


1 Answer 1


This may be possible. You would probably need to setup a proxy server on your ubuntu system like squid. Configure the squid proxy to work in interception mode, and point your squid proxy on the Ubuntu system at the upstream proxy.

If you could get whoever is running the wifi/upstream-proxy to set it transparent then you wouldn't need to do any of this hackery.

  • Thanks for the advice. The upstream proxy is out of my hands but I may be able to talk the guy who set up the wifi into letting me tinker with it. I'll have a go at researching the 'transparent' wifi option. Much appreciated.
    – Neil
    Commented May 26, 2010 at 21:30

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