I have a home computer H (Linux), a work computer W (Mac OS X), and a public server S (same Linux as H) with IP

As H and W are all behind NAT, I use autossh to connect them both to S and communicate with each other through tunnels:

# From H to S
ssh -R :8822: [email protected]
# From W to S
ssh -R :7722: [email protected]

When I'm in office, I often SSH to H and forward X11 back:

# on W
ssh -X -p 8822 [email protected]

Both H and W have very low latency to S (ping around 2-5 ms), so everything's quite smooth, until my office moved and ISP changed. The ping from W to S remains low, and everything is still fast until X forward starts. Whenever I try to start xterm from H over X11 forward, the TCP connection over which became extremely slow. However, other SSH sessions from W to H without forward remain fast. After Ctrl-C the unresponsive xterm, the forwarding SSH session immediately recovers to be responsive.

It feels like someone is watching SSH sessions and slows it down whenever a X11 communication is made. To find out which part went wrong, I did a test like this:

# on W
ssh -R [email protected]
# on S
DISPLAY= xterm  # works fine!
# on H
DISPLAY= xterm  # unresponsive

The strange thing is, if xterm starts on S, it's fine; When it's from H, it stalls, not the H→S part, but the W→S SSH session, as typing on it became extremely slow. After Ctrl-C the hanging xterm, it recovered immediately.

It seems not a network problem, as H→S and W→S are all great (both latency- and bandwidth-wise). Over the tunnel, scp between W and H is fast; lftp fish://H from W also works fine.

As this happened after an ISP switch, I was thinking if there's any traffic throttling by ISP, but X11 forward works fine in any direction between W and S, or between H and S. It's just that any X11 traffic between W and H, in any way I can think of, slows down the SSH connection carrying that forward.

I'm deep confusion on this mess. Can anyone help me figure out which part should I look into?

  • You can check if the ISP is slowing the traffic down (possibly because some filters on the ISP mistakenly think it's a different kind of traffic) by using a different encrypted connection method (e.g. OpenVPN or WireGuard), the do ssh forwarding over this encrypted connection, as well as a performance test over it without ssh, and see if anything changes.
    – dirkt
    Commented Jun 26, 2019 at 12:54


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