If I have a list of data in a spreadsheet like this:

[email protected]
[email protected]

What would be the quickest and cleanest way to sort the data into rows and columns like

John  |  123-456-7890  |  [email protected]
Sally |  987-654-3210  |  [email protected]

I have found the forumula =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,(ROW()-1)*#,0) that will help me get data from every # (eg 5th) row but I was wondering if there was a cleaner way

  • 1
    That general type of solution is a pretty standard way of doing this. Use a formula in the three columns that does the math to identify which row's cell goes in that position.
    – fixer1234
    Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 19:10

1 Answer 1


This method will help you to Copy Data from Rows into Columns:

enter image description here

  • Enter this Formula in Cell C1 then fill Right & Down.


If your data starts from other then Row 1, then you may use this Formula:

  • Formula in Cell D109, fill it Right then Down.


enter image description here


  • In used Data set every new name occurs after 3 Rows therefore (ROWS($1:1)-1)*3, mutiplied by 3, which is editable, as the Row interval changes.
  • Adjust Cell references in the Formula as needed.

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