I am trying to install keras via pip but the pip install keras command is throwing me some errors:

Retrying (Retry(total=N, connect=None, read=None, Redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.'), error('Tunnel connection failed: 407 authenticationrequired',))': /simple/keras/

repeated five times, with N equal to 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0; then

  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement keras (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for keras

(I'm behind a web proxy).  Does anybody have any ideas how to solve this?

Image of error

1 Answer 1


First Try to uninstall it by using this command pip uninstall keras. Then again try to install it with this command pip install keras. Still you getting same error then try to Install keras in Anaconda Environment. Hope this Helpful and will clear your Doubt !

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