I ran msysGit-netinstall-
Then I ran TortoiseGit-

msysgit was installed in C:\
TortioseGit appears to have been installed in C:\Program Files\TortoiseGit

I have:

  • "Git Clone..."
  • "Git Create repository here"
  • "TortoiseGit"

in Explorer context menu.

When I try to clone, I get "git have not installed" [sic].

  • I have tried setting the MSysGit path, in the TortioseGit settings, to everything imaginable. Nothing works.
  • Neither C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) have a Git folder.
  • The git command gives "command not found" from both cmd.exe and bash (that msysgit installed)
  • I don't not see msysgit in -> Control Panel -> Programs -> Program Features, but I do see TortioseGit in there.

I would like a procedure for verifying that msysgit is properly installed.
A procedure for uninstalling msysgit would be an added bonus.
I would like a procedure for getting TortoiseGit to work.

I am running Windows 7 on a MacBook Pro.

1 Answer 1


The solution:

I was also with the same problem...

I found it: groups.google.com/group/tortoisegit-users/browse_thread/thread/ff1d81f59cd5fe90

Follow Frank's suggestion in the link above; install http://msysgit.googlecode.com/files/Git- instead of msysgit and be happy :)

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