I'm using Outlook 365 to manage my Gmail IMAP accounts and have this annoying problem where when you flag and then unflag an email item an error comes up:

"The operation cannot be performed because the message has been changed."

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

1 Answer 1


I'd like to say this is a known issue with a IMAP account in Outlook. I saw the same behavior in my Outlook. This error happens because Outlook is syncing with the server. You can try selecting a different message then switch back to the original message and you should be able to unflag messages without error.

  • Your way actually works. I tried multiple solutions available online but neither have worked. This simple trick seems to work. Thanks.
    – AlexVPerl
    Commented May 31, 2019 at 18:05
  • My pleasure :-)
    – Steve Fan
    Commented Jun 7, 2019 at 8:56

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