I am unable to figure out how I can view the DOM source for the following web page, using Chrome Developer Tools:


I am interested in scraping the entries from the table on the page (i.e. the table with column names Symbol, Company, .... , XBRL Filename, Status).

I tried various options, including:

  1. View page Source
  2. View Frame Source
  3. Highlighting a row in the table and selecting Inspect
  4. Highlighting the entire page (Ctrl+A) and selecting Inspect

1 Answer 1


In DevTools, click the arrow icon enter image description here, then click on the element (Symbol etc).

You will see its source selected inside DevTools. You may right-click and copy it.

For Symbol, this will look like:

<div class="x-grid3-hd-inner x-grid3-hd-Company" unselectable="on" style="" id="ext-gen119">Symbol<img class="x-grid3-sort-icon" src=""></div>

However, this won't help you much, since you then need to copy the CSS code, which is a much more complicated operation.

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