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Does anyone know how to fix this issue in Eclipse?

It will not let me run the code. Everytime I press the "run" button the same error pops up:

Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module Moussa.java not found

Please let me know if there is anything I can do get Exclipse to run properly.

  • I cannot compile my .java file into a .class file when I get to the last step where I type in "javac youtube.java" It give me and error message. Does anyone else have this issue? docs.google.com/document/d/… Screen shot to show what I am saying. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please like this comment to that thenewboston can see it....I feel like a lot of people have this issue and need to get is resolved in order to start learning java.
    – MoneyMoose
    Commented May 20, 2019 at 18:08

2 Answers 2


Just based on your handle is Moussa.java the name of a file that you created? Anyway, a frequent issue is failure to have configured a JDK for the project -- you might have gotten an error to that effect.

  • Yes, the name of the file that I created is "Moussa.java". I am going to uninstall and re-install JDK & Eclipse....See if that does anything to it.
    – MoneyMoose
    Commented May 20, 2019 at 17:13

I just rename my module in module-info.java as my project name error gone. For example your project name "javab" than rename module with "javab".

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