tl;dr; Whenever when I press Right Alt+Space in any Office 2013's product, a small narrator-like thing appears on screen. This is very annoying. How can I permanently disable this feature?

A thing like this appears on screen I press Right Alt+Space in any Office 2013's product:

enter image description here

What is this? How can I turn this thing off or force it not appear?

There's nothing under this thing's settings button (speaker+gear icon). Read speed and voice type only. No way to disable this permanently, disable its keyboard shortcut etc.

I am more than certain that this is a purely Microsoft Office 2013+ feature:

  • I managed to see it in Word 2013 and Outlook 2013 off-line version.
  • It appears only on my two PCs having either Office 2013 or off-line versions of Office 365.
  • It does not appear / exist in Office 2010.

Depending on scenario, situation or program that I am using in a particular moment:

  • it just appears on the screen and annoys only,
  • it starts reading following text aloud, moving cursor to next word, line or paragraph automatically.

I've read this question and answers as good as this one. It is not a solution for me. And my question isn't a duplicate of those two mentioned. Mostly, because:

  • these two questions deals with Narrator, a Windows 10 feature, while the thing, I am asking about, is clearly Office feature,
  • I have disabled keyboard shortcut for Windows 10 Narrator in Narrator's settings,
  • mentioned keyboard shortcut (Win+Enter) does not activate anything on my PCs,
  • I have only two voices (Microsoft Adam and Microsoft Paulina) in this little thing while I have five of them in total in Narrator settings.

Is there any Office setting or any other solution to get rid of this permanently?

My native language uses a bunch of characters that requires Right Alt+some letter to be pressed in order to type them. I am typing texts at a quite high speed (300+ characters per second) and when I am typing texts in my native language, I am using Right Alt+some letter shortcut many times per minute. If such character appears at beginning of a word and if I delay releasing space (entered before that word) just a few milliseconds, I have a nearly 100% chance that this little, annoying thing activates. It makes quick text editing really problematic and annoying.

  • When this small window pops up, have you used it to see which application it was related with?
    – Perry
    Commented May 7, 2019 at 4:33

1 Answer 1


As correctly identified in the question, this is a feature that appears in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word only and starting with version 2013.

Microsoft doesn't make their users' lives too easy. Not only, it introduces a feature that does exactly the same as system-wide Narrator, but also it makes disabling this quite difficult -- separate approaches are needed in both Outlook and Word. In Outlook this is a regular feature that can be disabled using corresponding configuration option. In Word this is a hidden feature that can be disabled by deleting its keyboard shortcut.

According to this article to disable this Narrator-like feature in Outlook, go to File > Options > Ease of Access and clear the Show Read Aloud checkbox that appears in Application display options.

in Word you must:

  1. Go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon.
  2. Click Customize... button.
  3. Select Review Tab item in Categories list and ReadAloud item in Commands list.
  4. Select Control+Alt+Space item in Current keys list.
  5. Click Remove button.

Once you close this window, you're done. More details and screenshots can be found this article.

  • 1
    Thank you!!! It was popping every time I typed "space" after typing the euro symbol, and it was really getting boring... Commented Mar 31 at 17:29

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