I have a blog at Blogger and I have purchased a custom domain from a third-party provider. On Blogger, I have set the original address example.blogspot.com to be redirected to example.cz. Now, let's say I die tomorrow (after a meteorite falls on my house). After a year or so, the third-party domain expires and no longer exists or worse, someone else buys it. Will example.blogspot.com be redirected to example.cz even after the domain is expired and will my blog therefore become inaccessible and lost forever? Or can Blogger tell somehow that the domain has expired and will disable the redirection automatically?

1 Answer 1


Your assumption is correct.

Your blog content now lives at example.cz and when it expires, its content falls into a bit bucket, never to be seen again (except, perhaps, via the Wayback Machine). Blogger has a help article on this.

  • Thank you for your answer. So there's no way Blogger will disable the redirection automatically, is there?
    – Josef H.
    Commented May 2, 2019 at 18:53
  • It does not; designate someone as an emergency contact w/ Google and provide instructions ('IN CASE OF METEORITE'), or prepay the domain far in advance. A better place to ask this class of question would be at webapps.stackexchange.com , since Blogger is an app which lives in the Cloud.
    – K7AAY
    Commented May 2, 2019 at 18:55

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