I'm running Zsh 5.2 on MacOS, running in Terminal.app with TERM set to xterm-256color.

When styling the PROMPT, I found that in this Zsh version, a %b cancels the effect of a previous %K. Consider this example:

print -P '12%K{green}34%B56%b78%k90'

This prints only 3456 with green background, not 345678, as I would have expected.

If I replace the %B...%b by %U...%u or %S...%s, 345678 receives the green background. It seems that only %b is implicitly cancelling the effect of %K.

Can somebody explain, why this is so?

  • Maybe this is a bug in zsh 5.2 or xterm-256color. Using zsh 5.7.1-dev on Linux with rxvt-unicode or xterm I get the expected result. Can you narrow this down by trying another terminal emulator or a newer zsh version?
    – mpy
    Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 15:55

1 Answer 1


This is a bug in zsh 5.2. It was fixed with this commit

commit e87aa8941fd7e13b039bf4d1664c6dc39a09313a
Author: Oliver Kiddle <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Jul 8 22:28:15 2016 +0200

    38809: fix tracking of colour attributes and restore them when turning bold off

which was incorporated into zsh 5.3.

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