Is there a way to avoid accepting a meeting a second or third time?

Short explanation:

In our Company, we use MS Office 365 including now MS Outlook with Exchange Online.

If Adam sends Bob an invitation for a meeting, Bob may accept this invitation directly via the message he receives in his Mail-Inbox or on the respective entry in the calendar. In either way, if Bob does so, Adam receives a short message notifying him that Bob accepted and (hopefully) will attend the meeting. #

BUT - Here comes the issue

Even if Bob already accepted the invitation, he still can go to his calendar, select the meeting and click "Accept" once again - and again, and again.

And now every time Bob hits that sweet "Accept"-Button, Adam will receive yet another message notifying him of Bob's acceptance - wondering if Bob just wants to annoy him or if he's suffering from dementia.

Bob will surely deny this and Adam calls IT to ask why he constantly receiving those emails and how to stop this utter nonsense.

So: Is there a way to disable the "Accept" button after the meeting has already been accepted?


can we at least avoid Adam from receiving any followup replies?


AFAIK the only solution aka workaround would indeed be to automatically process all incoming updates for meetings, which would also include the first response to a meeting.

  • Yes. Although meeting was accepted, we can still click Accept button. Currently, there is no option in Outlook to prevent receiving followup replies.
    – Perry
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 6:36
  • I think Adam can set to automatically process meeting requests and responses as a workaround: support.office.com/en-ie/article/…
    – Perry
    Commented Apr 11, 2019 at 6:36


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