There's probably something I'm doing wrong which I'm not seeing. But the average being calculated seems completely off.

This is an extract of the data:

    R       S       T
29  3,90 %  0,01 %  0,98 %
30  4,22 %  0,57 %  1,62 %
31  4,53 %  1,06 %  2,18 %
32  4,81 %  1,49 %  2,68 %
33  5,07 %  1,87 %  3,13 %
34  5,31 %  2,20 %  3,53 %
35  5,54 %  2,50 %  3,90 %
36  5,76 %  2,77 %  4,23 %
37  5,96 %  3,02 %  4,54 %
38  6,15 %  3,24 %  4,83 %
39  6,33 %  3,44 %  5,09 %
40  6,50 %  3,62 %  5,34 %

The formula for S40 is =AVERAGE(R29:R40)

The formula for T40 is =SUM(R29:R40)/12

Is AVERAGE not the right function? What should I be using?

1 Answer 1


It looks like it was not recalculating the results, not that the average was wrong.


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