I am not able to login to postgresql after restarting postgresql DB after configuring pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf file. The snapshot of the error is attached for referral postgresql.conf / pg_hba.conf. This incident happened while i was trying to setup the postgresql Bi Directional replication. After this I need to restart the database to take the configuration changes into effect. But when I restart the database the configuration files go missing.

1 Answer 1


i had the issue that a syntax error in the config file was the problem; i did not get an error or warning (maybe yes but i didn't find it),

so double check your config file and do only one change at one time,

Is "sudo systemctl start postgresql" getting more information?

Or sudo service postgresql status



  • Thanks for your reply. I followed all the steps mentioned by you. Doesn't work out. Commented Apr 9, 2019 at 13:34

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