
OS: Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit Browser: Firefox 66.0.1

After last update to firefox v.66 i got only problems. It is blocking almost all pages. I read about the security issue here: Expect an increase in browser privacy and security warnings

But i haven't thought that almost all websites will be blocked.

It blocks even its own pages. Examples: addons page, mozilla support page, blogspot, templatemonster and also my own websites.

I did placed exceptions for them, but there are still a lot of elements that are not working on the pages. And also in security option from the address bar it say that is not secure...

Is there now chance to make the new Firefox working and do i really need to rollback to previous versions like v.62?

I can't find any solution to that.



firefox addons


  • No repro on Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, Firefox 66.0.1
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 15:46
  • Firefox 66.0.1 works fine for me on several machines and OSes. Did you try removal and reinstallation? Did you try starting it up with a clean profile?
    – wazoox
    Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 17:30
  • There's probably a problem with your certificates. Does your connection go through a proxy? Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 20:14
  • @wazoox Yes, that was the starting point. To have a true clean new installation because the old cache, favs and history were killing me for the new website. I also made a post on my blog regarding true Firefox uninstall. Until now, i haven't got any issues and i only update it in last 1-2 years. But now is killing me ;-( I can't have the second browser working fine. I use Brave too but is too slow for the moment and is chrome related. And there are a lot of firefox users, so i need to check my website there too.
    – ilvphoto
    Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 20:44
  • @AulisRonkainen No. It is a regular internet connection. No proxy no vpn... What certificates i own when i have only a browser and trying to surf different websites? I thought regarding my website that is my hosting provider "fault" after reading that article from main post. But when i entered in all other websites that i mentioned above it doesn't seem to have a problem with one website... Why is blocking their website too? And also, if you read that post isn't that suppose to block all things that "they don't agree"... but how to surf again?
    – ilvphoto
    Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


I have found what is likely a temporary work-around. The certificates presented by the OS's CA store are not being used anymore.

  • Open a new tab and enter the following address: about:config
  • Accept the warning/notification.
  • There is a search field at the top. Run a search for "security.enterprise_roots".
  • Find an entry labelled "security.enterprise_roots.enabled".
  • It is likely set to false. Set it to true.

In theory, that should bandaid your situation. I'm not sure what changed in Firefox, but it has affected an entire work environment on my end.

  • I tried it now and it works well. To everything that i tried. Is it safe to use it that way or should i try to uninstall the antivirus and reinstall it? Or maybe Eset Smart Security could be the issue?
    – ilvphoto
    Commented Apr 1, 2019 at 18:39

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