I am writing my thesis and this structure of styles are common in my .docx file (each line represents one paragraph):

Using style named "Main text": main text 1, paragraph break
(Using style named "Figure": Figure, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Title": Figure Title, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Legend": Figure Legend, paragraph break)*1 or repeat
Using style named "Main text": main text 2

Sometimes, the Figure is too large to fit in the end of a page, such that it flows to the next page. The problem is that this will create a big empty space at the end of the current page. So, what I want to do is that when this happens, Word automatically helps me to rearrage the content to remove the empty spaces and utilize the page better. As in the above examples, I would like Word to format it to something like this:

Using style named "Main text": main text 1, paragraph break
Using style named "Main text": Part of main text 2, paragraph break (on the same page, fill to the bottom of the page)
Using style named "Figure": Figure, paragraph break (at the start of the next page)
Using style named "Figure Title": Figure Title, paragraph break
Using style named "Figure Legend": Figure Legend, paragraph break
Using style named "Main text": Remaining part of main text 2

Anyone knows how to achieve this? Thanks a lot!

  • Do you have page breaks anywhere? Are your figures inline with text (Sounds like yes)? Have you tried using wraparound instead? Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 11:19
  • @cybernetic.nomad Yes I am using figures inline with text. But even changing the wrapping option (such as wraparound) does not help. No page break used. Only paragraph break. Let me supplement the question. Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 12:09
  • Add a manual page break. You probably won't get this behavior out of the box. If you wanted to you'd need to create a box and put your whole figure in it and make text flow around it or would need to use a different system like LaTeX. Which isn't WYSIWG but rather has a proper typeset system.
    – Seth
    Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 12:42
  • I agree with @Seth - I don't think there's a way for this to be automated. Your best bet is to manually place all figures in the text and ajust manually Commented Mar 26, 2019 at 12:49
  • Thank you. Regret not having learnt LaTeX... But I think I might just have the editing done after finalizing the thesis. Commented Mar 27, 2019 at 3:25


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