I have a sheet in Excel with a list of numbers. Sometimes I want to move X units from one cell to another.

Let's say I have a classroom of kids, each one has a certain number of marbles. There are 2 columns in the sheet, first column is names, second column is marbles. John gives 375 marbles to Bill. I want to update the sheet.

Currently I pull out a calculator, do the subtraction and addition, and update the cells manually.

This is cumbersome and error-prone. Is there a better way?

(I know I can write "=8300+375" in the cell but eventually each cell will have a stupidly long formula..)

  • 2
    I only know how to do it with a formula. I am not sure what you mean by 'without a formula' as everything in Excel is done with formulas. Maybe you should post a screenshot with a description of just what you are trying to do because I, as well as I am sure others, are confused at this point. Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 13:41
  • 1
    If you truly want to replace the value in D4 then you have to do this manually, or create a macro. There's no other way (even with a crazy formula, as formulas can't replace text). But perhaps you can explain a little more what you're trying to do? Can you not put the difference in another cell, or do you have to replace D3?
    – BruceWayne
    Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 14:59
  • Let's say I have a classroom of kids, each one has a certain number of marbles. There are 2 columns in the sheet, first column is names, second column is marbles. John gives 375 marbles to Bill. I want to update the sheet. Commented Mar 18, 2019 at 22:23

2 Answers 2


You can use paste special to easily perform the calculations.

  • Enter -375 in one cell and 375 next to it.
  • select your new numbers and press CTRL+C
  • Select the cells you want to change.
  • in the ribbon / home / paste / "paste special"
  • check "add" then "ok"

enter image description here


Máté Juhász post inspired me to suggest you VBA Macro, Since it's faster and time saver too. And I do believe that You can handle it.

enter image description here

How it works:

  • I'm assuming that you have data in Range A2:B4.
  • Put Values you want to Subtract in C2:C4.

  • From Developer TAB, click Design Mode
    then Insert & From ActiveX Controls
    click Command Button Icon and draw it on
    the Sheet.

  • Click the Command Button, you reach to VB editor Windows.

  • Copy & Paste this code between

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    End Sub.

      Operation:=xlSubtract, SkipBlanks:= _
      False, Transpose:=False
      Application.CutCopyMode = False
  • From VB editor Windows click File menu then hit Close & Return to Microsoft Excel.

  • Finally Click on Command Button.

You find New Values in Column B,(check Screen shot).


If you want to Subtract Old vlaue from New Value in a Cell only, then you may use this VBA code.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

If Target.Column = 2 And Target.Row = 1 Then

  NewVal = Range("B1").Value
    Application.EnableEvents = False

   OldVal = Range("B1").Value
    Range("B1").Value = NewVal
     Range("B1").Value = NewVal - OldVal
      Application.EnableEvents = True

End If
End Sub
  • Press ALT+F11 to open VB editor and Copy & Paste the above shown code as Standard Module.

  • As soon you overwrite Value in B1, code will
    Subtract it from Old Value and re-write B1
    with New Value.

Adjust Data Range as your need.

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