After a power outage one week ago, my Windows 7 always enter the repair tool and fails to repair everytime. Everytime I try to boot using windows (dual-boot with Debian stretch), it just repeats the same process.

At the end of the process, when I click Finish, the computer just powers off.

Additional info

My DVD player is not working properly either, and somehow, I never managed to boot using an USB drive, all my OSs were installed using DVDs prior to its malfunction.

My partitions are as the following:

  • One 125GB for my Debian installation
  • One 125GB for the Win7 installation
  • One 250GB where I install my Win7 applications (non OS-related applications)
  • One 1TB where I put my installers, game installs, medias, documents on a completely separate hard drive

What I have already tried

  • When I let the repair process as is, it happens as I described above
  • I tried cancelling the process and I could access more tools, I have used the command line to attempt a CHKDSK on restart on the C: drive, and when I restarted, it didn't go into CHKDSK

What I didn't try yet

  • I haven't tried restoring Windows to a previous state yet, would it work?
  • I don't have any ways of reinstalling the OS yet (no install disk in physical or ISO form), and I would want it as a last resort as it's most likely to mess up with the GRUB, and I don't have the ways to fix the GRUB anyway

2 Answers 2


I haven't tried restoring Windows to a previous state yet, would it work?

This is the last remaining solution, judging from your question.

  • maybe there are other solutions I'm not aware of yet (pretty sure there is, I don't always tamper directly with my win7 OS)
    – prout
    Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 11:13

When I tried restoring the system, it said there were no restoration point.

I entered the command prompt again and used CHKDSK /f on the drive without restarting. Now it's booting normally again.

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