I have a number of sheets that I want to unhide quickly in Excel. Do you know if it is possible to unhide multiple sheets at the same time?

  • What version of Excel?
    – squillman
    Commented May 13, 2010 at 23:29

3 Answers 3


If you are able to have macros in your workbook I would go for this option...

You need the first block of code found here. I just tested in Excel 2007 and it works.


In 2007, go to the View tab and find the Custom Views button. Unhide all the sheets in your workbook and add a custom view called "ShowAll". Then hide the sheets you want and create another custom view called "HideSome". Now you can quickly hide and show those multiple sheets by selecting a custom view. Of course you'll want to name your custom views better than my example.

In 2003 and earlier, it's under the View menu.


Short answer. No. Microsoft doesn't feel that an Unhide All option would make for a less convoluted experience. In fact, just accept the fact that most questions around productivity improvements in Excel are answered with "No".

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