I am going to have

  1. 1TB 7200 RPM HDD
  2. Intel Optane m.2
  3. different m.2 SSD

if I install them all, will that third m.2. ssd be independent or is Optane is going to works with disks? In other words, can I specifically tell Optane to cover that slower HDD and leave other SSD alone

P.S: I Google'd hard before posting this here but couldn't find adequate answer. Thank you!

1 Answer 1


There is no utility released by Intel or Microsoft for setting parameters for Optane. Its functioning is dictated by the driver and the motherboard.

The documentation says:

What is Intel® Optane™ memory and why would I want a system that supports this?

When this new memory media is installed between the processor and slower SATA-based storage devices (HDD, SSHD, or SATA SSD), the computer can store commonly used data and programs closer to the processor. This allows the system to access this information more quickly, which can improve overall system responsiveness.

This probably means that it will not apply itself to the M.2 SSD, but only to the HDD, but there is no guarantee that the driver will do so.

Remark: Replacing the 1TB HDD+Optane by one 1TB SSD will give the same performance enhancement or better.

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