I had used C# code to create Password protected zip files,

But while extracting all the files inside zip gets except one large txt file, and for that particular file all different tools (default windows zip, 7zip, WinZip, WinRar) gives an error as Wrong Password

Now special thing to note is, that text file is very large in size (around few GBs but <10GB), whereas I am able to extract logs with smaller size of that particular file, but I am not getting the exact root cause of this.

  • We have no idea what you may have done in your application which may be the cause. As such it's very hard to answer this
    – Dave
    Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 6:12
  • 2
    Zip archives can have multiple passwords for different contained files, so maybe you're using a wrong password indeed. Please note we don't know anything about your C# code and its quirks (on the other hand we probably shouldn't, as Super User is not about programming). If I were you I would try to reproduce the issue with files of various sizes in various order to confirm size is a factor. Or maybe your custom code ignores the limits somehow? Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 6:17
  • Thanks for help and I agree users here shouldn't be concerned about my c# code, but just clarifying ambiguity about 2 possible problems, 1. There is no diff pwd for that particular file as all diff files are zipped together only. 2. File is not that large in a way to cross the limit. And besides this I am using same thing successfully from long ago. Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 6:51
  • Is there any possibility that, if files being archived are changed by some other application/process while zip creation is in progress, it might get corrupted? And give us above problem? Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 7:00
  • 1
    Your comments should be edited into the question. Also please note at the moment there is no explicit question in the question body, so literally adding is there any possibility [...] it might get corrupted? And give us above problem? will fix the whole post on the idea of corruption originating from another process. It may not be the (main) question you wanted to ask. And since this is a broad question about "any possibility", the general answer is "yes". It may not be the answer you seek. Therefore while editing please state clearly what your question really is. Commented Jan 29, 2019 at 8:08


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