I'm new here so if I somehow violated rules by e.g. posting in wrong category or with wrong tags - forgive me.

Anyway, straight to the point. Important Note: I'm using Win10 Pro.

I'm struggling with excluding some ports from VPN. To be specific, I want to exclude all traffic to Steam (due to ping while playing) - here's the list of ports Steam uses.

Simply put, I wanna tell my computer that all traffic going through specific ports should go through the specific interface (without VPN).

So far I was only able to route some specific IP addresses to bypass VPN, however, that doesn't suit me at all (I do not know all IPs of steam servers ;p). During my research, I ran across some ideas, but all of them were meant for Linux -e.g. here's some cool article about marking packets and then redirecting them to interface of my choosing.

Any tips/ideas on how to achieve that in Win10?


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