Default Task Manager and Sysinternals ProcessExplorer are well-known GUI applications to show processes details in Windows 10. I use both.

Windows 10 comes also with command-line tasklist.exe.
It shows the processes list and but I can not make it show them in tree mode.
From here I tried with /SVC with no luck.

Just downloaded Sysinternals PsTools which come with pslist.exe & pslist64.exe.
This one seems to be that tool I want, since it can show all processes in tree mode.
It is like a command-line ProcessExplorer.

The only problems is that pslist takes a lot of time to show the results.
As a comparison, tasklist.exe takes less than 3 seconds to show all the processes.
Whereas pslist (both exes) take about 26 seconds, either showing or not as tree.

Why is pslist so slow? Are there other alternatives?

  • probably because it is gathering much more information. Maybe use the S switch?....Figure 5 on this page....docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/technet-magazine/…
    – Moab
    Commented Jan 24, 2019 at 14:05
  • I have never seen such delays: on my Win10 Pro system, pslist -t shows 220 processes - it runs in 770ms. I suggest you use other SysInternals utilities, such as ProcExp or ProcMon to find out what ps list is doing for such a long time.
    – AFH
    Commented Jan 24, 2019 at 14:37
  • @Moab Switch -s seems like work as Unix top command, and does not really help here.
    – nephewtom
    Commented Jan 24, 2019 at 15:09
  • @AFH I have run ProcMon, with a filter for pslist64.exe, but I do not know where to start... I can see a Process Start at 16:07:37.2231183, and IRP_MJ_CLOSE at 16:08:08.9720484. There are 10,876 events... I can see tons of RegOpenKey/QueryValue/CloseKey, but also many IRP_MJ_CREATE/CLEANUP/QUERY_SECURITY/CLOSE and FASTIO_ACQUIRE/RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION/NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN/QUERY_INFORMATION... The information is overwhelming... BTW, mine shows 317 processes.
    – nephewtom
    Commented Jan 24, 2019 at 15:16
  • I exported ProcMon info to a CSV file, and got a total of 10876 events with the following returned codes: TOTAL:10876, SUCCESS:7410, NAME NOT FOUND:2022, BUFFER, OVERFLOW:421, FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS:396, FAST IO DISALLOWED:336, ACCESS DENIED:182 , NO MORE ENTRIES:46, REPARSE:38, PATH NOT FOUND:14, INVALID PARAMETER:5, IS DIRECTORY:4, BUFFER TOO SMALL:1, NAME INVALID:1
    – nephewtom
    Commented Jan 24, 2019 at 15:45


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