What is the simplest way to access the Cloud Foundry application container using WinSCP?

The way I know, I need following steps:

  1. Login / Target
    cf login
    cf target -o app-org -s app-space
  2. Retrieve and display the given app's guid

    cf app pef-sso-server-dev --guid
  3. Get a one time password for ssh clients

    cf ssh-code
  4. Establishing a connection

    • hostname: <my-app>.<my-domain>
    • port: 2222
    • username: cf:<app-guid>/<app-instance-index>@ssh.<my-domain>
    • password: <ssh-code>

Could we just use CF CLI to create SSH tunnel and connect WinSCP to local forwarded port without re-authentication?

1 Answer 1


Later versions of cf, support the ssh command:


Check out the official documentation for more details.

  • It has nothing to do with WinSCP.
    – kinjelom
    Commented Apr 17, 2019 at 21:28

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