I have Empathy set to run whenever I log in to Ubuntu. As soon as Empathy connects to freenode, I get these messages:

This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify .

You are now identified for [my name].

This is pretty annoying, since Empathy handles identification for me anyway. Is there any way to keep this from happening?

  • NickServ will do that regardless, but my client puts service messages in channels - does empathy have a similar setting?
    – Phoshi
    Commented May 9, 2010 at 17:43
  • @Phoshi: It doesn't look like it. Empathy is a pretty poor IRC client, but I want to keep all my chat accounts in one place, so I'm stuck with it (it's really nice for non-IRC stuff!).
    – Matthew
    Commented May 9, 2010 at 19:14
  • 8
    bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=555051 There is a feature request for this so hopefully it will get fixed in an upcoming release.
    – gacrux
    Commented May 30, 2010 at 21:37

1 Answer 1


Would the /ignore NickServ command work? But you won't receive any message no matter what it is.

  • I may be an IRC noob, it seems - where do I type the /ignore command? If I enter it into any chatroom (using Empathy), I just get "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands", and "/help" doesn't list any "/ignore" command. Commented Jan 16, 2016 at 7:55

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