How can I copy to the x system clipboard from byobu?

I know how to copy and paste within byobu (http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/byobu.1.html) and I can easily paste from the system clipboard into byobu with the expected ctrl+shift+V

I would ideally like to be able to highlight with the mouse or in byobu scroll mode and then ctrl+shift+c and/or right-click-> copy If that is not going to be possible, integration of the internal byobu clipboard with the system clipboard would be grand. Or any other solutions folk might use / have in mind? Surely this is a common task? I frequently want to copy from the terminal and paste into the browser, for example.

The only two solutions I have seen are:

1) An outrageous hack involving many keystrokes: https://dodoincfedora.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/integrating-byobuscreens-copy-buffer-with-xgnome-clipboard/

2) Selecting and copying to the internal buffer followed by: echo [alt][insert] | xclip -selection c

How can I do this (surely very common?) task with less than a dozen keystrokes every time? :)


1 Answer 1


Try holding the Shift key:

  • Shift + mark text with the mouse
  • Shift + right click -> copy
  • thanks, yes, that does it. Also need to do shift+F11 to zoom in to just that panel.
    – ezekiel
    Commented Jun 17, 2019 at 10:34
  • I have dificulties to use this method when the test spans more than one page. The selection often disappers after some slight movenent. Commented Oct 8, 2020 at 14:41

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