On dualboot, I had two EFI partitions on two drives. One drive with EFI partition for GNU/Linux, second drive and EFI partition for Windows.

I moved Windows boot files from second EFI partition to first one.

Then, I deleted the second EFI partition. Windows starts booting, and ends up in BSOD.


I tried to "recover boot" from Windows installation media but it does not make it boot correctly.

What else can I do besides reinstalling?


1 Answer 1


I created the EFI partition on the same drive it was before and moved the Windows EFI files there, it boots again.

I will stick to multiple EFI partitions and chainloading.

  • Oops, here I am with the same issue, except this time it's because I removed an unused recovery partition before the EFI partition. My guess is that something addresses the drives by "nth partition on nth disk" -- if it was addressed by GUID, re-creating would not work. Unfortunately for me even rebuilding BCD with bcdboot isn't working, probably something to do with the partition I stupidly deleted... Commented Sep 5, 2023 at 13:22

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