
I wanted to make it dual boot with Ubuntu 16 and Windows 10. Complete system specs are shown in the screenshot below.

System specs

The things I tried:

Based on various blogs particularly this.
The major steps I followed are shown below with screenshots:

  1. Downloaded Ubuntu i386 iso from here
  2. Created bootable USB using this
  3. Made the partition of 300 GB in my D drive to install Ubuntu
  4. Disabled "fast boot" option

Fast Boot

  1. Disable Secure Boot option
  2. Boot menu has 2 boot options. I have set higher priority to USB booting. As shown in the above screenshot.
  3. Enabled USB Legacy Support
  4. Save and Restart


Once the system restarts, I am not getting the option to install or boot from USB. Check the below screenshot.

1 Answer 1


I have found the mistake. Need to use amd64 Ubuntu iso file rather than i386 iso. It works for Intel machine(verified by ask-ubuntu). You can follow the same steps as mentioned above.

Refer this for more details.

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