Chrome had an exit functionality to close all tabs and windows, which was useful if you had restore previous tabs on startup selected.

This feature was bound to ctrl + shift + q but in a recent version of chrome it has been changed to alt + f, x.

Is there any way to change it back?

I want to do this partially because it's what I'm used to and partially because it interferes with other hotkeys for some extensions.

1 Answer 1


AFAIK,you can not call chrome's built-in exit api directly. As a workaround, you can try follow methods:

  1. call built-in [alt f, x] use another group of keys, which call chrome's built-in exit api indirectly: use shortcuts mapping extensions which support synthesis keys(two non-control key, or named as chords) such as AutoControl, to map your key [ctrl shift q] to chrome's built-in [alt f, x]
  2. call chrome use ahk script to quit chrome.exe from command line: ^+q:: { ; Send the key combination to Chrome to close it gracefully WinClose, ahk_exe chrome.exe ; Optionally, you can force close Chrome by using: ; Process, Close, chrome.exe return }

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