
I'm trying to extract this file but whenever it extracts, it stops at 63% and presents this error to me every time.

I tried restarting my computer and re-downloading the file on several occasions but it doesn't seem to be helping.

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


I'm trying to extract this file but whenever it extracts, it stops at 63% and presents this error to me every time.

enter image description here

The error indicates the reason, the resulting path of the file, would exceed the limit imposed on files.

You will have to extract it to a different location. By default Windows 10 has a 255 character path limit.

Even when Windows 10 only long paths optional feature is enabled, File Explorer, still has a 255 character limit.


The error is caused when you use Windows Explorer or WinZip to extract files and it encounters a file path that exceeds the maximum character limit.

To resolve this problem, use a decompression utility such as 7-Zip, that can handle long file paths. Otherwise, extract the files to the root directory or to the c:/temp directory.

  • No mention @ABAS HERSI Placing the zip file on the root level of the system drive is the safest way to avoid this problem. You can use long path tool Commented Oct 11, 2018 at 6:54

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