I'm using RHEL 6.10 and using the Splunk CLI to find "transactions" (groups of results together). It is searching for rtvscand log lines.

/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search \
| transaction host syslog_source
      startswith="Scan started" endswith="Scan Complete"'

The search returns a set of results printed one after the other, as shown in my first set of output lines. I would like each individual result (in this case, each transaction) to be separated by a blank line, as shown in my second set of output lines since it's not always obvious where a transaction begins and ends. For example.

2018-09-08T14:00:05.723289+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T14:03:10.150106+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats: 
0   Scanned: 70225   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 0
2018-09-08T13:00:03.596346+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected 
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T13:00:04.966009+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats: 
0   Scanned: 0   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 0
2018-09-08T12:00:01.490553+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected 
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T12:00:11.186179+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Could not scan 1 files 
inside /root/latest-defs-linux due to extraction errors encountered by the 
Decomposer Engines.
2018-09-08T12:00:19.520929+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats:
0   Scanned: 3408   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 1

Is there a way to specify that the Splunk CLI should put a blank line in between each transaction so it looks like this?

2018-09-08T14:00:05.723289+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T14:03:10.150106+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats: 
0   Scanned: 70225   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 0

2018-09-08T13:00:03.596346+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected 
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T13:00:04.966009+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats: 
0   Scanned: 0   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 0

2018-09-08T12:00:01.490553+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan started on selected 
drives and folders and all extensions.
2018-09-08T12:00:11.186179+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Could not scan 1 files 
inside /root/latest-defs-linux due to extraction errors encountered by the 
Decomposer Engines.
2018-09-08T12:00:19.520929+00:00 hostname rtvscand: Scan Complete:  Threats:
0   Scanned: 3408   Files/Folders/Drives Omitted: 1
  • It would help if you edited your question to include 1/ what OS your using, and 2/ what splunk command you are running. As it stands your question is unanswerable.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Sep 25, 2018 at 19:14


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